Recipe from Cielito Lindo a dish very easy to make, excellent to share with friends, meetings, parties, and birthdays. The ingredients of Cielito Lindo are easy to get and at a very low price.
CIelito Lindo
CIelito Lindo

How to Make Cielito Lindo Recipe

Por Yodeimi Gómez
Recipe from Cielito Lindo a dish very easy to make, excellent to share with friends, meetings, parties, and birthdays. The ingredients of Cielito Lindo are easy to get and at a very low price.
5 from 1 vote
Tiempo Preparación 30 minutos
Tiempo Cocción 10 minutos
Tiempo Total 40 minutos
Raciones 4
Calorías 759 kcal



  • 2 kilograms of ground beef.
  • 1 1/2 onion.
  • 2 tomato.
  • 2 small lettuce.
  • 1 1/2 jars of cream cheese.
  • 2 cups shredded cheese.
  • 1 packet of Nachos


Preparation of Cielito Lindo

  • We get a mold and put the cream cheese and water to create the first layer you should try to cover the whole bottom.
  • We prepare the ground meat, chop the onion and lettuce equally.
  • The ground meat already prepared is poured into the pan with the cream cheese, then the rest of the ingredients and to finish the grated cheese.
  • We use the cheese (of your preference) you can use gratin or melt and we take the mold to the microwave or oven and give it 3 or 5 minutes to melt the cheese.
  • When it is ready, because it is our turn to serve on a plate, we can decorate the dish with the Nachos around and enjoy it.


Ración: 1gCalorías: 759kcalCarbohidratos: 25.9gGrasa: 60.3gColesterol: 167.1mgSodio: 898mgFibra: 9.2gAzúcar: 8.6g

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