Cherry Pie, a classic favorite cherry pie in the family super easy to make having the possibility to use bittersweet cherries and more, but don't worry at Good Healthy Recipe we will mention all the steps to achieve the homemade Cherry Pie.
Cherry Pie pastel de cereza
Cherry Pie pastel de cereza

How to Make The Best Cherry Pie Recipe

Por Yodeimi Gómez
Cherry Pie, a classic favorite cherry pie in the family super easy to make having the possibility to use bittersweet cherries and more, but don't worry at Good Healthy Recipe we will mention all the steps to achieve the homemade Cherry Pie.
5 from 1 vote
Tiempo Preparación 25 minutos
Tiempo Cocción 45 minutos
Tiempo Total 1 hora 10 minutos
Raciones 8
Calorías 396 kcal


Ingredients for a Cherry Pie

  • 5 cups of fresh, boneless bittersweet cherries, (about 2 pounds of cherries).
  • 3/4 cups of granulated sugar for sweet cherries, or a cup of sour cherry.
  • 3 spoonful of cornstarch.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt, to taste.
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice just squeezed for sweet cherries, or 1/2 teaspoon sour cherries.
  • Half lemon zest.
  • 1/2 teaspoon Kirsh, optional.
  • 2 teaspoon unsalted butter, diced.
  • Cream or milk to brush the upper crust.
  • Thick or granulated sugar for spraying.


Steps for cherry pie

  • The Dough: remove the dough from the refrigerator and let stand on the counter for a few minutes so that it starts to soften a little and is easily rolled.
  • On a floured surface, spread the dough in a 12-inch circle. Gently place the dough in a 9-inch cake pan; you can do this by growing a roller and rolling the dough without squeezing it, then developing in the pan. Brush any excess flour on the surface. Using a sharp knife, trim the edges of the dough to fit the cake pan. Cover the pan with plastic paper and place it in the fridge. Spread the other disc in the same way, then transfer it to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover with plastic paper and place it in the fridge.
  • Cherry filling: in a medium bowl mix the sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Add the cherries, lemon juice, and zest, also vanilla extract and Kirsh then mix very well to combine the ingredients and place it on one side for 10 minutes.
  • Preheat your oven to 425F / 220C, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place it in the bottom third of the oven.
  • Spread the cherry filling in a uniform layer over the pie dough and sprinkle with butter on top. If you choose to make a lattice cake, that's how you do it. Otherwise, place the second crust over the filling. Place excess protrusion mass under the lower crust then set the edges with your fingers or with a fork. Make 4 slots in the center to let the steam escape while baking. Brush the bark with a thin layer of milk or cream, then sprinkle with sugar.
  • Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375F/190C and continue baking until the crust is golden brown and the juices bubble through the slits, approximately 40-50 minutes more. Cover the edges of the cake with unsqueezed foil if it starts to brown too much while baking.
  • Allow the cake to cool for at least 4 hours before serving so that the filling can spread. Store the cake in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • And ready, serve warm at room temperature.


Ración: 8gCalorías: 396kcal

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