¿How can I make the Ginger Tea recipe? it’s a very common question from our readers, and it’s that this Tea is Traditional Dominican Republic, a christmas tradition these times where the temperature drops and we need to a very hot drink.

How can I make the Ginger Tea recipe? it is a very common question of our readers, and is that this Tea is traditional of the Dominican Republic, a Christmas tradition these times where the temperature drops and we need a very hot drink.
Té de jengibre

Ginger Tea it is also part of the tradition of carols and partymakers are served as an alternative to the traditional rum drink.

Ginger Tea it has crowds of properties, but of course, you also need to know how to prepare it to make the most of the benefits of it.

The Ginger Tea it’s quite an experience on the palate, with a slight spicy flavor, although this spicy will depend on how much you throw in the itching, the body warms up immediately. It is important to mention that to know how to prepare it well so that it is a pleasant drink, which can be enjoyed.

Té de jengibre

Ginger Tea (Recipe and Benefits)

Por Yodeimi Gómez
How can I make the Ginger Tea recipe? it is a very common question of our readers, and is that this Tea is traditional of the Dominican Republic, a Christmas tradition these times where the temperature drops and we need a very hot drink.
5 from 1 vote
Tiempo Preparación 5 minutes
Tiempo Cocción 15 minutes
Tiempo Total 20 minutes
Plato Drinks
Cocina Dominican
Raciones 4 personas
Calorías 12 kcal


  • 4 Sticks cinnamon.
  • 1/2 cup ginger. Sliced.
  • 8 cups water.
  • sugar sweetener, or honey, to taste.


  • To start boil the cinnamon in 8 cups of water until the water acquires a slightly dark tint.
  • Now let's remove the cinnamon and add the ginger and let it boil for another five minutes, remove from the heat and strain.
  • Sweeten to your liking and serve warm.



One note is that you can also drink sugar-free tea, if you prefer, add sugar to taste or use a sweetener of your choice. 


Serving: 8gCalories: 12kcalCarbohydrates: 3gSodium: 1mgFiber: 1gVitamin C: 0.4mgCalcium: 23mgIron: 0.2mg
Etiquetas dominicana, Drink, Ginger Tea

Receta de Ginger and Lemon Tea

When we combine Ginger with the Lemon we result in a lot of properties for our very important bodies, preparing this recipe for Ginger and Lemon Tea it’s as simple as we mentioned in the recipe above.

You have to heat the water and just when it starts to boil you have to turn it off, a piece of the root ginger, is left to rest for 5 minutes and then the natural lemon juice.

Recipe Ginger and Cinnamon Tea

Ginger Tea with Cinnamon
Ginger Tea with Cinnamon

This is one of the favorite combinations of many and many, if we add a little orange with the cinnamon, the result will be simply spectacular.

To prepare it is also simple, follow all the steps above and when it starts to boil you incorporate the Ginger and Cinnamon.

Recipe Ginger and Honey Tea

Ginger and Honey Tea
Ginger and Honey Tea

The combination of Ginger and Honey Tea it’s great for when you feel discomfort in your throat. For the preparation we continue to guide ourselves from the passes indicated in the main recipe and instead of sweetening it with sugar we replace it with honey.

Ginger and Turmeric Tea Recipe

The Ginger next to the Turmeric it’s another very interesting and healthy combination for us, from liver care to colds.

The preparation again mentioned, we guide the main one, and all you have to do is add turmeric, this can be accompanied by other ingredients such as honey, lemon, among others.

Green Ginger Tea

Green Ginger Tea
Green Ginger Tea

Prepare the recipe normal that we have indicated at the top only that, on this occasion, we will reduce the amount of water indicated.

In another container you have to prepare an infusion of Green Tea in 250 cc. Once you’ve done it, just let each of the teas rest and then mix them together so that the flavors blend well with their full potential.

Ginger Tea Benefits and Properties

The ginger comes from China and India, where this ingredient has been used both in the world of medicine as well as in the Asian cuisine.

One of the aspects that has most caught the attention of the Ginger are the excellent properties it has along with its characteristic flavor, which can make a drink taste completely different.

Ginger Tea for Weight Loss
Ginger Tea for Weight Loss

So from ginger we can use everything. The root which is the part that contains more properties and this is used a lot in the kitchen as in the medicine, ginger leaves, which are sometimes used to make a salad with a varied flavor and texture.

Ginger Tea for Weight Loss

The ginger it is also used for weight loss purposes, that is, the combination of Ginger with Lemon it is considered as a very interesting option to keep the body clean and lose weight.

In this case, the combination of both offers vitamin C, antioxidant and low calories. And, the ginger specifically, it accelerates the functioning of metabolism which results in increased calorie burning and fat removal.

Benefits of Fasting Ginger Tea

After a great tour showing everything we can do with Ginger because we are almost getting to the end, we know the different types of Ginger Tea, what are its benefits, now we will end up with the benefits of having fasting tea.

  • Serves to treat bowel conditions
  • May be used to reduce nausea or vomiting (consult your doctor in advance)
  • Balance gastric acid
  • Antibacterial effect
  • Strengthen defenses
  • Treats airway conditions
  • Relieves inflammation (conditions such as arthritis or rheumatism)
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Treat bad cholesterol
  • Antioxidant effects


¡Bienvenidos! mi nombre es Yodeimi soy aficionado de la publicidad, el SEO de webs, todo lo que tiene que ver con la producción de videos y fotos, y en los últimos tiempos me he enamorado de la cocina, mi idea es agrupar todos mis conocimientos para mostrarte todo de una manera más sencilla y rápida.

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